Other language support is in my plan. waiting for release.
1. 4M卡功能经过测试基本是正常的。如果游戏还不行可能是其他原因吧。 2. 目前的参数只是针对某些对时序特别严格的游戏的。不通用。更多的参数有待后续研究吧。
You can leave them blank. only for test.
因为用到了touch dd 等命令,我都是在msys2环境下编译的。windows的话,你要找这些工具的windows版本或者替代
I'll add it later. This game need debug more and more...
SAROO need FAT32 filesystem. Next release will add exfat support.
The message says that the project usb 16Mb flash chip, but you have a 8Mb flash chip. You can ignore this message.
It's a good idea. I will create such a list.