Ted Pudlik

Results 12 comments of Ted Pudlik

I just ran into an interesting bug in the unofficial `py_proto_library` from https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/: it doesn't respect `tags = ["manual"]`. No tags are forwarded to [the code generation rule](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/2bed3439bb817fabf165dc24d756c907a887b737/protobuf.bzl#L536-L547), so the...

I'm the Pigweed person looking into it :). We've run into this problem with our bazel proto generation efforts, too (https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/234874064), but don't have a solution yet.

I bumped into this again. It really is a recurring problem. Fundamentally, in a multirepo world where you don't own all the code you're pulling into your build, you want...

Silencing external warnings through `--per-file-copt` in `.bazelrc` is particularly inconvenient in projects that build the same targets with more than one toolchain (e.g., arm and clang). We apply different warnings...

@fmeum FYI in case you have comments on this (beyond the high-level suggestion in the Bazel Slack that maybe this should be handled by an extension of https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/12009 instead; I'm...

IIUC https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/12009 specifically handles the case of warnings coming from _included headers_ from external repositories. But it won't help you if your project has deps on (and attempts to build)...

Thank you for the feedback! But would this proposed solution only work if all your (transitive) dependencies have migrated to bzlmod? That's not practical, since so much of the ecosystem...

@comius what's the `rules_cc` owners' perspective on this? I'm a little wary of a solution that integrates deeply with deps management, and requires separate bazelmod and WORKSPACE implementations. I'd also...

We could avoid the `.exe` suffix on non-Windows machines by adding a `is_windows` attribute populated from a `select` in a wrapper macro (like in https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/blob/main/rules/private/copy_file_private.bzl#L140-L143), but adding a wrapper macro...