Toyo Li

Results 11 issues of Toyo Li

# Bug Report ### 🔎 Search Terms comment ### 🕗 Version & Regression Information - This changed between versions 4.6.4 and 4.7.4 ### ⏯ Playground Link [Playground link with relevant...

Help Wanted

Client: GMS 231.1 WZ file: Sound.wz, Sound2.wz etc I could open wz file in GUI but could not expand it... While master branch is all ok ![image]( ![image]( Failed to...

#15 No breaking change. `includeBaseDirectory` is `false` by default. `p` is original file path, while transformed file path is


##### Checklist - [x] `npm install && npm run lint && npm test` passes - [x] commit message follows [commit guidelines]( ##### Description of change `node-gyp rebuild` and `node-gyp build`...


Hi! I'm the creator of [emnapi]( which is a Node-API implementation for emscripten/wasi-sdk, it can be used for porting existing Node-API native addon to WebAssembly. I'm wondering if node-gyp can...


Would you mind switch to use `deno_std`'s path module? API is compatible with Node.js, simply use `deno bundle` to output es module, make bundlers do tree shaking better ```ts //...

embind already has coroutine implementation I just now tried to write a toy version, that makes it possible to `co_await` a JavaScript Promise in C++. class CoPromise : public... > 4. in pthread_create, call wasi_thread_spawn with the configured start_args and use atomic.wait to wait for the start_args->thread->tid value to change (note that for web polyfills this may not...

I created [emnapi]( for porting Node.js addons written in Node-API to Emscripten WebAssembly. I successfully built this project to wasm, all test cases passed ~~except the one related to `async_hooks`,...