Zachary Crockett
Zachary Crockett > "In most cases, you do not need to call Particle.connect(); it is called automatically when the device turns on. Typically you only need to call Particle.connect() after disconnecting...
I interpret the ShareAlike clauses as not having any impact on product creators' usage of these files in their own products. Specifically, if you're building a product on Particle, you...
Make it easy to write long text that automatically wraps within the leased portion of the board.
When a user requests a lease that can not be granted, Peggy should respond with some useful information: - How many seconds until the conflicting lease expires - The coordinates...
Merge must be done very carefully because we have modified the host driver. `git diff` and `git blame` can be helpful commands here, e.g., `git blame -L 880,922 socket.c` would...
The "clear tinker" and "connect a core" buttons need to remain available, even with a long list of cores. The fix for this would involve constraints or properties in the...
### Brief Issue Summary My `.vscode/settings.json` contains `"cmake.configureArgs"` including `"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"`. When I call "CMake: Delete Cache and Reconfigure" the build uses `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` as observed in both `build/CMakeCache.txt` and in the...
If the xxx_id= call is for an attr_protected, then mass assignment can't be used. Thus, UseModelAssociationReview should not warn about assigning such attributes.