Morgan Touverey Quilling

Results 19 comments of Morgan Touverey Quilling

Huh, that should work. That always worked like this, not only for this library. Can you tell us what's your TypeScript version, configuration (`tsconfig.json`), and try with a default import...

Yeah, migrating to signale, I've immediately stumbled upon this! I'm surprised there is only this issue with so little reactions. Also, a `verbose` level is a must have. I had...

Thanks a lot for signaling that. This will be taken in account in a future version. Also, you should be able to change the response headers in the middleware with...

Getting the same problem... How can I help you to find the issue? Edit : updated to v.26 but now it's failing on, I don't get the XFX's error...

Stumbled upon this too. Had to use the default import and not the named variant. > This makes a strong argument in favor of removing the default export all together....

Hi, thanks for reporting this! I'll have a look.

@steve3d Ok, thanks I was not aware yet that Angular rewrote attributes in this way in strict mode. I looked into it and it's **not possible** to just add a...

Thank you so much @knuxbbs for posting this! That's awesome, I thought the Linux port was abandoned.

As you've seen, I edited to remove my message before you posted, because everything started working again... Until I rebooted the IDE and it started complaining again. Tried many things,...

You _really_ should mention that more clearly in the readme :) People will continue to download and use this package until there's a clear depreciation message here. My team just...