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KaMP Kit by Touchlab. A collection of code & tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly w/Kotlin Multiplatform
And update other dependencies in line
- [ ] Bump Gradle version - [ ] Replace old `buildscript` plugin configuration with `plugin { }` block using the `libs.plugins` from version catalog.
When trying to distribute the build to testflight getting this issue: This is my gradle file setup for cocoapods:
[DataState](https://github.com/touchlab/KaMPKit/blob/master/shared/src/commonMain/kotlin/co/touchlab/kampkit/models/DataState.kt) is defined with 4 subclasses: - `Error` - `Loading` - `Success` - `Empty` But we are only changing the UI for 2 states: `Success` and `Error` in [iOS](https://github.com/touchlab/KaMPKit/blob/master/ios/KaMPKitiOS/ViewController.swift#L20-L23) and...
When using the new Kotlin/Native memory model, kotlinx-coroutines and ktor, KaMPKit is failing at runtime due to incompatibility of SQLDelight coroutines extensions with the new memory model: ``` kotlin.native.concurrent.FreezingException: freezing...
This is a fantastic starter kit and I thank you all for putting this together for all of us! Would it be possible to add a "How-To refactor/rename" best practices...
Fixes #254 and #255 Converting all the standard plugin declarations to use version catalogs felt like a step too far since it makes the plugin application look very different from...
Need to investigate why some tests start to hang when we do this now
how to reproduce: Before your begin, update the minimum deployment to 14 because @StateObject "demands" it. 1. Create a new root view to act as the root screen. 2. Create...