Erik Toth
Erik Toth
If a client started both http and https servers on the same kraken app, shutdown middleware would only attempt to stop one server.
Thinking to possible future use-cases, it might be nice for consumers of this data to observe `change` events.
Hapi 8 is GA now so we should support it.
The first registry needs to keep the host header such that npm can create the correct tarball URL via [// legacy kludge](
Also, ensure timeout doesn't fail, but allows for fallback.
Getting the sense that it not terribly helpful and certainly more trouble than it's worth.
Upon install: ``` bash npm WARN engineStrict Per-package engineStrict (found in package.json for lusca) npm WARN engineStrict won't be used in npm 3+. Use the config setting `engine-strict` instead. ```
Since kraken still uses ^1 it would be nice to get that feature to developers.
When a Task is executed the Resource returns information as to the nature of the failure. According to the specification any error that is transferred to another state is an...