
Results 36 issues of 欧阳爆水

Like: let alertMessageView = EKAlertMessageView.init(with: alertMessage) alertMessageView.messageContentView.verticalMargins = 30 alertMessageView.messageContentView.labelsOffset = 15

1. In case no previous entry is currently presented, display the new entry. 2. In case there is an entry that is currently presented - Compare their priorities: (1) When...

can support the activating toast?

Hope can adjust labelsOffset of EKAlertMessageView


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] **Describe the solution you'd...

struct for swift (ObjectMapper)

When use with SwifterSwift, that also has the x/y/width/height property. Can't use them because ambiguous. So add the ml_ prefix support. --- This change is [](https://reviewable.io/reviews/isair/manuallayout/23)

[FileManager.jsonFromFile](https://github.com/SwifterSwift/SwifterSwift/blob/fef7f4b586032dba0e28bcb790092655410b7bfa/Sources/SwifterSwift/Foundation/FileManagerExtensions.swift#L40) extension do not support JSON array e.g. ``` [ { ... } ] ```

help wanted
good first issue

Like safeAreaInsetsForDeviceWithNotch method of QMUI: https://github.com/Tencent/QMUI_iOS/blob/master/QMUIKit/QMUICore/QMUIHelper.m

I have these state, when the isStarred/user/models changed will update the sections. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3716286/122516524-75a2fe80-d041-11eb-94c0-485392b57415.png) So, I generate sections in reduce method. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3716286/122517152-4345d100-d042-11eb-93aa-0e09d001237e.png) Is there a better way to generate sections?