Thomas Schranz
Thomas Schranz
[to qualify my comment: I do not have nearly as much experience with Clojure as the other commenters here so take this into context please & feel free to ignore]...
Exciting :)
yay :) ᐧ On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Seth Ladd [email protected] wrote: > Just a friendly update. The analyzer server is well underway. We are > integrating...
@kaendfinger started a Dart package ( for building Atom plugins.
Just wanted to add that terminal support (e.g. through font-merging) would be amazing. This way it would be possible to use this via Blink on an iPad.
Just wanted to second this. This behaviour of not being able to select/copy output confused me quite a bit.
In version 1.4.10 of proto-repl I can select and copy text from the output now. That said, I tried to copy a REPL output of a Map into the Atom...
@jasongilman I hope the following works 1.) add this to your file: `(def my-map {"my key" "my value"})` 2.) send the form to be evaluated by the REPL 3.) go...
As far as I can tell this issue can be closed. Text is selectable, tried example of OP and it works. Also the `no-break-space` issue no longer exists for me.
Just found which seems to track the described slowdown directly in the ink package.