Tortue Torche

Results 18 issues of Tortue Torche

_NOTE: This big pull request will be eventually split in multiple pull requests..._ * Add `group_backend` option to mirroring the circle as a group (automatically suffixed by ` Circle`) You...

Hi mincer folks, Since version 3.0, [Sprockets]( supports [asset manifest]( and the [`link` directives]( Is anyone interested to implement these new features? More info [here]( at the **Compile Manifests** section.

need help

If you update the `Functions::throttle()` [test]( like this (replace `sleep(1);` by `sleep(2);`: ``` php public function testCanThrottleFunctions() { $number = 0; $function = Functions::throttle(function () use (&$number) { $number++; },...

Here a use case: ``` php $s = new \Underscore\Types\String('person'); // Success: // echo str_plural((string) $s);// → 'people' // echo str_plural((string) $s);// → 'people' echo $s->plural();// → 'people' // Fails:...

Support also PHP 8.0 🚀

Hi folks, I don't expect this pull request to be merged. It's just for people who want file upload support with jQuery UJS! Borrowed from: See: Cheers, Tortue...

Hi Ivo, Is it possible to apply boost on Individual fields with the caret (^) notation? Like this sample: ``` json { "multi_match" : { "query" : "this is a...

And update Travis CI to use PHP `8.0` instead of `8.0snapshot`