Sanjeev Kumar
Sanjeev Kumar
hello everyone i use gifted chat to implement chat option in project. it is clearly run in App.js file in react native without any issues or error but when i...
#### Issue Description [FILL THIS OUT] #### Steps to Reproduce / Code Snippets [FILL THIS OUT] #### Expected Results [FILL THIS OUT] #### Additional Information * Nodejs version: [FILL THIS...
i apply props of voximplant docs front and back with function but there is show an error like that is undefined function. if anyone apply these props please help how...
i want to add function video on/off in video calling project through RtcEngine.disableVideo() but its not work i also apply RtcEngine.muteLocalVideoStream (false) to off local camera but it's not worked....
i make a one to one video calling app. how can i add a features to change RtcLocalView to RtcRemoteView. when i click on RtcRemoteView => large camera view is...
i make project one to one calling but in Docs there is no any reference about 'show timer' on screen any can help how to show timer on screen.
hello @Ficat i am calling this function in notify call back to read the data that come from my BLE device ``` @Override public void onCharacteristicChanged(byte[] data, BleDevice device) {...
I upgrade my api version target sdk version is 32 and i am getting null onLeScan() in device BleManager.toggleBluetooth(true); is also not working for this version how can I fix...