Carl Törnqvist
Carl Törnqvist
This is a 🙋 feature ## Checklist - [x] tests pass ## Context This allows for asynchronously registering routes using choo stores. There's been a lot of talk lately about...
This is a 🙋 feature Add support for stack traces (in Chrome) using [source-map-support]( ## Checklist - [x] tests pass ## Context Error stack traces would reference line numbers in...
This is a 🙋 feature ## Checklist - [x] tests pass - [x] documentation is changed or added ## Context Debugging an app running on bankai (or bankai itself, for...
This a 🙋 feature With the support for Choo SSR using the `_experimental_prefetch` it would make sense to expose the generated initial state on the window for the client to...
Adds support for the [`:is`]( selector (aka. `:matches`, `:any`). I also took the opportunity to add `.gitignore` and `.npmrc` files to exclude `node_modules` and `package-lock` without being dependent on local...
This plugin fails to shake Apollo Client leading to an immensely bloated bundle. Apollo Client provides a CommonJS bundle, which allegedly is targeted for Node, but I can't see anything...
This is quite the rewrite and I'm fully aware it may not be well received. I was about to create something along the lines of nanographql before I knew it...
I just noticed that #43 completely breaks [split-require]( Only `module.exports = whatever` work, but all named exports are dropped. I've created a test case in [my fork]( but am struggling...