Cody Tapscott

Results 57 issues of Cody Tapscott

This is a rudimentary (and arguably cursed) implementation of comptime logging that works in stage 2. I'm not sure we'll want to merge this, but it might be useful so...

This change provides a basic implementation of #2349 for stage2. There's still quite a lot of work before this logic is as complete as [what's in Clang](, especially considering that...

### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.3028+337147068 ### Steps to Reproduce Hit this one on and realized it's a more general problem for libraries compiled with Zig. ```c++ // foo.cpp #include std::error_condition...


### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.2873+0c78ece1c ### Steps to Reproduce Affects both stage1 and stage2 ```zig test { const x: usize = 5; const ptr: *const anyopaque = &(&x); _ = ptr;...

error message

### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.3351+90f23e131 ### Steps to Reproduce ```zig fn foo() void { var x: u32 = 1; var y = .{ x, x + 1 }; y = .{...

### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.3363+0fc79d602 ### Steps to Reproduce ```zig fn pair(x: f32, y: f32) std.meta.Tuple(&.{f32, f32}) { return .{ x, y }; } fn foo(_: anytype) void {} test {...


### Zig Version 0.10.0-dev.2993+0248073b9 ### Steps to Reproduce ```zig // build.zig const Builder = @import("std").build.Builder; pub fn build(b: *Builder) void { const exe = b.addExecutable("test", "test.zig"); exe.addCSourceFile("test.c", &[_][]const u8{ "-std=c99",...

contributor friendly
standard library

The equivalent of this test in C is UB according to ubsan: ```zig const bytes align(4) = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }; const S = extern struct { a:...

Zig uses this function for `ftruncate` in its standard library, and it looks like it's not currently supported. Other conspicuous absences include `fd_pread`, `fd_pwrite`, `path_rename`, and others. No rush on...

```llvm define external i16 @"test"() { Entry: call i32 asm "nop", "=m"() ret i16 0 } ``` Compiling with `llc test.ll` segfaults (LLVM 14.0.5): ```console Stack dump: 0. Program arguments:...
