Top Lan

Results 10 comments of Top Lan

@sofish 👍 入组的时候哇感觉这样更简洁: ``` javascript ... group[i % size].push(arr.splice(index, 1)[0]); ... ```

Thanks. I am making a plugin project to support animation for Placeholder component. Then, will test SSR.


新用户是指 2017-06-22 后的注册用户?但是我是上上周注册的用户(7.1左右吧),测试可以发呢。

@yangshiqi 👍 很赞,感谢你的宝贵建议,我会抽空研究分析下,同时也欢迎你为phpsms添砖加瓦

loop to clean title content and reset title content? 😄

Thanks for your comments, and the character accent menu is a hassle :sob: Yep, some commands already supported number prefixes, such as `hjkl`,`x`, `yy`, `dd`, `w`, `yw`, `dw`, you can...

oh are use the right hand side of the numeric keys?and i find it is disable, this is a bug...