wq-framework topic
📱🌐📋 wq: a modular framework supporting web / native apps for mobile surveys and geospatial data collection. Powered by Django REST Framework, Redux, React, and Material UI.
☁🌐 wq's db library, extending Django REST framework to support apps for geospatial field data collection, citizen science, and crowdsourcing.
💻📱 wq's app library: a JavaScript framework powering offline-first web & native apps for geospatial data collection, mobile surveys, and citizen science. Powered by Redux, React, Material UI and Ma...
Django + NPM (Create React App) template for building REST-ful web & hybrid apps with the wq framework
💡📋 xlsconv: Command-line tool to convert questionnaires from Open Data Kit's XLSForm format into Django models and HTML (for use with https://wq.io/).
📑⚙️ Python/Django reference implementation of the ERAV data model