spring-native topic
Multi-instance Reactive WebSocket messaging Chat App demo using Spring Boot 3.x, Java 17 and Redis Pub/Sub
The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, called simple-service, and secure it with Keycloak. Furthermore, the API users will be loaded into Keycloak from OpenLDAP server.
The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, named 'simple-service,' and secure it using the Spring Security LDAP module. Additionally, Testcontainers will be utilized for inte...
Goal: create a Spring Boot application that handles users using Event Sourcing. So, whenever a user is created, updated, or deleted, an event informing this change is sent to Kafka. Also, we will impl...
The goal of this project is to implement a Spring Boot application, called movies-api, and use Filebeat & ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) to collect and visualize application's logs and...
The goal of this project is to play with RSocket protocol. For it, we will implement three Spring Boot Java applications, movie-server, movie-client-shell and movie-client-ui. As storage, it's used th...
In this project, we will implement two Spring Boot Java Web application called, streamer-data-jpa and streamer-data-r2dbc. They both will fetch 1 million of customer's data from MySQL and stream them...
Simple AWS lambda using Spring Native and Spring Cloud Functions.
JHipster Works with Spring Native!
Goal: create a Spring Boot app called book-service accessible only through the Kong API gateway. In Kong, the kong-oidc plugin will be installed, enabling communication between Kong and Keycloak. This...