oscp-journey topic
How to prepare for OSCP complete guide
This is a collection of resources, scripts, bookmarks, writeups, notes, cheatsheets that will help you in OSCP Preparation as well as for general pentesting and learning. If you feel like you can cont...
Collection of things made during my OSCP journey
Penetration Testing Reference Bank - OSCP / PTP & PTX Cheatsheet
This cheasheet is aimed at the CTF Players and Beginners to help them understand the fundamentals of Privilege Escalation with examples.
This cheasheet is aimed at the CTF Players and Beginners to help them sort the CTF Challenges on the basis of Difficulties.
A tool designed to exploit a privilege escalation vulnerability in the sudo program on Unix-like systems. It takes advantage of a specific misconfiguration or flaw in sudo to gain elevated privileges...
This is my OSCP cheat sheet made by combining a lot of different resources online with a little bit of tweaking. I used this cheat sheet during my exam (Fri, 13 Sep 2019) and during the labs. I can pr...
Don't let buffer overflows overflow your mind