ms-graph topic
elegant cli to authenticate microsoft graph
Copy, export, import, delete, document and compare policies and profiles in Intune and Azure with PowerShell script and WPF UI. Import ADMX files and registry settings with ADMX ingestion. View and ed...
Sample showing how a Windows desktop .NET (WPF) application can get an access token using MSAL.NET and call the Microsoft Graph API or other APIs protected by the Microsoft identity platform (Azure Ac...
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in React using MSAL React
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in Angular using MSAL Angular v2
This is a simple Xamarin Forms app showcasing how to use MSAL.NET to authenticate work or school and Microsoft personal accounts with the Microsoft identity platform, and access the Microsoft Graph wi...
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in Vanilla JavaScript.
A React & Redux single-page application that authorizes an ASP.NET Core web API to call MS Graph API on-behalf-of a signed-in user.
PowerShell-based CLI for automating and exploring the Microsoft Graph API.