jw-org topic
A cross platform app to download and present media (pictures and videos) for congregation meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses in any language. Features include recurring and custom media management, congr...
FOSS replacement for JW Library app, that works on Ubuntu Touch, Debian (mobian & droidian), android, and any other os! Uses jw.org api directly.
Web app for managing Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation life. It assists with schedules, service reports, upcoming assignments. Auto-fetch program from jw.org, autoassign program parts, export print fil...
Create JWPUBs files easily and quickly for JW Library. Reviw is a Plugin for Sublime Text. And a powerful collection of HTML components, packed with features.
A prototype of a player/slideshow for zoom meetings
A multi-platform application developed especially for elders and ministerial servants, to elaborate and maintain all the assignments and responsibilities of the congregation. It includes security and...