json-metadata topic
Create Redux-Forms dynamically out of metadata
Collective Knowledge repository with actions to unify the access to different predictive analytics engines (scipy, R, DNN) from software, command line and web-services via CK JSON API:
Meta information about platforms participating in experiment crowdsourcing using Collective Knowledge Framework (OS,CPU,GPU,GPGPU,NN...):
Collective Knowledge packages to build development versions of compilers (LLVM, GCC, etc) and use them in customizable and portable CK research workflows:
Public data sets and their properties in the Collective Knowledge Format with JSON API and JSON meta information to be easily pluggable to customizable and reproducible CK experimental workflows (such...
Collective Knowledge extension with unified and customizable benchmarks (with extensible JSON meta information) to be easily integrated with customizable and portable Collective Knowledge workflows. Y...
Shared artifacts in the Collective Knowledge Format as a proof-of-concept to reproduce our recent Collective Mind- and Collective Knowledge-related papers