granger-causality topic
Estimating Copula Entropy (Mutual Information), Transfer Entropy (Conditional Mutual Information), and the statistics for multivariate normality test and two-sample test, and change point detection in...
Is there a relationship between popularity of a given technology on Stack Overflow (SO) and Hacker News (HN)? And a few words about causality
Python package for Granger causality test with nonlinear forecasting methods.
A package to compute and test the significance of linear dependence between multiple autocorrelated time series.
R package for estimating copula entropy (mutual information), transfer entropy (conditional mutual information), and the statistic for multivariate normality test and two-sample test
Code for the paper "Estimating Transfer Entropy via Copula Entropy"
RealSeries is a comprehensive out-of-the-box Python toolkit for various tasks, including Anomaly Detection, Granger causality and Forecast with Uncertainty, of dealing with Time Series Datasets.
A framework to infer causality on a pair of time series of real numbers based on Variable-lag Granger causality and transfer entropy.
Undergraduate thesis, Seoul National University Dept. of Economics — "Modeling Volatility and Risk Spillover Between the Financial Markets of US and China Using GARCH Value-at-Risk Forecasting and Gra...
Source code for the publications on "a non-linear Granger-causality framework to investigate climate–vegetation dynamics", by Papagiannopoulou et al., GMD & ERL 2017