cisco-packet-tracer topic
A Cisco Cheatsheet: Commands and Snippets for bootstrapping, boilerplate, configuration, and hardening of Cisco routers and switches.
:smiley: Curso GRÁTIS Laboratório Prático da NOVA Certificação Cisco CCNA v7 200-301
I'm currently preparing for my CCNA 200-301 Exam. During this preparation, I build some labs on various topics of Networking with the help of Cisco Packet Tracer. I hope, these labs will help you too...
PROJECT 1: With this Project/Assignment, I designed a sample network for an Enterprise. This Enterprise has 2 Locations (Location A & Location B). It is a of Secure Campus Area Network where in Locati...
All Networking Related Practicals in Cisco Packet Tracer
🖧 Designed this network configuration for the network of three companies, given some constraints. Its an interesting problem demonstrating the concepts of Classless IP Subnetting and using RIPv2 Proto...
Programming Lab Assignments of Savitribai Phule Pune University(SPPU) Third Year(TE) Computer Engineering 2019-20.
(this) cisco packet tracer repository consists of pkt files that you can download and run onto your cisco packet tracer software to play around with already created network simulations
This repository contains various network models and designs to learn Cisco Packet Tracer. This is also a part of my Computer Network Course.
I had to design a complete network in CISCO Packet Tracer using every routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP) and every type of server (DHCP, TFTP, Web Server and Data Server).