barracuda topic
An example of using Tensorflow and ONNX models with Unity Barracuda inference engine for image classification and object detection.
BlazePoseBarracuda is a human 2D/3D pose estimation neural network that runs the Mediapipe Pose (BlazePose) pipeline on the Unity Barracuda with GPU.
Localize 2D image object detection in 3D Scene with Yolo in Unity Barracuda and ARFoundation.
This tutorial series provides step-by-step instructions for how to perform human pose estimation in Unity with the Barracuda inference library.
HolisticBarracuda is the Unity Package that simultaneously estimates 33 pose, 21 per-hand, and 468 facial landmarks on the Unity Barracuda with GPU.
PoseDetectionBarracuda is a human pose detecter that runs the Mediapipe Pose Detection neural network model on the Unity Barracuda.
SelfieSegmentationBarracuda is a human segmentation neural network that runs the Mediapipe Selfie Segmentation on the Unity Barracuda.
HolisticMotionCapture is an application and package that can capture the motion of a person with only a monocular color camera and move the VRM avatar's pose, face, and hands.
PoseLandmarkBarracuda is a human pose landmark detecter that runs the Mediapipe Pose Landmark neural network model on the Unity Barracuda.
Full body pose estimation to be used with HMD (Quest2) built in Unity