Barcode topic
Barcode refers to a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form. This topic covers the history, types, and applications of barcodes. Barcodes are widely used in various industries for inventory management, tracking items, and automating data entry. They come in different formats, including linear barcodes and matrix barcodes (such as QR codes), each with its specific use cases and encoding methods. The topic also explores the technologies and standards used in barcode generation and scanning.
Simple multi-format barcode reader for Windows
React component for reading barcode an QR codes from devices that are represented as keyboard to the system.
Snipit allows you to capture and save interesting sections from any source of information. Be it textbooks, journals, computer screens, photographs, flyers, writings on a whiteboard, etc.
a scanner for QRCode barCode 最好用的ios二维码、条形码,扫描、生成框架,支持闪光灯,从相册获取,扫描音效等,高仿微信,微博
a scanner for QRCode barCode 最好用的ios二维码、条形码,扫描、生成框架,支持闪光灯,从相册获取,扫描音效等,高仿微信,微博
An angular directive for lindell's JsBarcode
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android