ZZYQRCodeSwift copied to clipboard
a scanner for QRCode barCode 最好用的ios二维码、条形码,扫描、生成框架,支持闪光灯,从相册获取,扫描音效等,高仿微信,微博
Using the system API (AVFoundation) for packaging, including the UI interface and QR code, barcode scanning, generating and other operations
Support swift4.1
Objective-C Version: ZZYQRCode
HOW to install
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'ZZYQRCodeSwift', '~> 1.1.0'
How to use
- Create sessionManager
let session = AVCaptureSessionManager(captureType: .AVCaptureTypeBoth, scanRect: CGRect.null, success: SuccessBlock)
- Show view
session.showPreViewLayerIn(view: view)
Others features
- Scan sound effects
var isPlaySound = false
var soundName:String?
- Torch
session.turnTorch(state: torchState)
- Scan the QR code in the album
session.scanPhoto(image: UIImage, success: SuccessBlock)
- Check authorization status
class func checkAuthorizationStatusForCamera(grant:@escaping GrantBlock, denied:DeniedBlock)
- Create QR code
let image = UIImage.createQRCode(size: 200, dataStr: "hello")
- Create customize QR code
let image = UIImage(named: "bigMax")
QRImage.image = UIImage.createCustomizeQRCode(size: 200,
dataStr: "hello",
imageType: .CircularImage,
iconImage: image!,
iconImageSize: 40)
Pay attention
Because of iOS10 authorization change,you need to add code in your info.plist