Arch Linux topic
Arch Linux is a lightweight and flexible Linux distribution that aims to keep things simple. It is based on x86-64 architectures and is composed of both free and nonfree software. Arch Linux encourages community involvement and supports a rolling release model, which means that users receive updates to the software as soon as they are released, rather than waiting for a new version of the distribution to be released. Arch Linux also has a powerful package management system, which allows users to easily install, update, and remove software packages. Additionally, Arch Linux is highly customizable, allowing users to tailor their system to their specific needs and preferences.
[reopened] A better open-source clash client written by Flutter (Linux supported). 🐱 支持国产/Linux[arm64|x86_64]的更好的Clash客户端,支持自动设置代理,兼容RULE-SET、不走本地loop。
Arch Linux Live/Rescue CD with quality of life features
PKGBUILDs; almost all on the AUR, some personal stuff
The "replicable" heart of my personal workstations
My NixOS configuration with Nix Flakes, Home Manager, Stylix, and Hyprland.
A Docker image that builds a PKGBUILD.
My personal dotfiles repository