angular-14 topic
Allows us to check if an element is within the browsers visual viewport
This is an example application to show howto use Spring Boot 3, Angular 18, Kafka with Streams and Mongodb with the reactive features of Spring in a clean architecture and a Helm chart for the Kuberne...
This project should provide a starting point for people interested in using Angular 18 in a Java / Jakarta EE environment.
This is an encrypted Angular 18 PWA messenger application with an AI friend that can work offline and has a reactive Spring Boot 3 backend with a MongoDB to store the messages in a clean architecture....
This project shows howto use Angular 18 and Spring Boot 3 and Jpa with a Maven build in clean architecture. For development/production the H2/Postgresql databases are used. The databases are managed w...
Angular 14 JWT Authentication & Authorization with Web API and HttpOnly Cookie - Token Based Auth, Router, Forms, HttpClient, BootstrapBootstrap
Fullstack Spring Boot + Angular 14 CRUD example - Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, embedded database (H2 database), Angular 14, HttpClient, Router and Bootstrap 4.