paul david

Results 21 comments of paul david

I have been playing with Frog the last few days, and i, too, would love this sort of feature. Unfortunately my Racket-fu is super rusty (much embarrassment) and so i've...

I'd be keen for this, too! I'm using `ddcctl` and, but making repeated adjustments quickly after one another OSDisplay simply doesn't show — it takes 2s per run, whereas...

> Perhaps you could change `snapshotsEnabled: false` in your values.yaml, without having to make code change. > Please let me know if it works for you or not. That's actually...

Hello! How's this going? @craigem, @jmct, i'm having the same problems -- do you guys have minimal working examples available? With that i'm sure i'll be okay, but for now...

@jmct: thanks, I also managed. All i wanted (embarrassingly enough) was to pull out the HEAD hash. (Off-topic: i was amused to note that you're also an XMonad user on...

> * Can we add appropriate tests for this change? The relevant file to do so would be `test/version_commands.bats` > > * Can we please update this to use a...

Thanks for the thoughtful responses so far! > I think this needs a wider discussion, and I'd rather not add an "ad-hoc" field to this config. More so because this...

> Possibly it could also be useful if this would be generalized this to support all options Good point – this is exactly why i threw up a strawman PR...

How about something like this: ```json # config.json { ... "containerOpts": { "rm": true, "interactive": true, "tty": true } } ``` Naming is hard 😅 Maybe `containerOptions` or just `container`...

I use `helm-projectile` for that – not sure if that'd do what you need?