Toon Van Dooren
Toon Van Dooren
This is awesome, one thought, the socket connection should be available so we can use`getsockopt` on it since it can be useful for using `SO_PEERCRED` for example. I don't know...
I don't get your point, why not simply use n98 to install your version? eg ``` bash n98-magerun.phar install --magentoVersionByName=magento-ce- --installationFolder=/var/www/ce-170 --dbHost=localhost --dbUser=root --dbPass=root --dbName=ce_170 --installSampleData=yes --useDefaultConfigParams=yes --baseUrl= --replaceHtaccessFile=no ```...
Another approach could be made possible using Another lib uses it.
It depends on your requirements indeed, for me, a stream using an anonymous mysqldump would mean a lot less i/o when migrating DBs. Also, it avoids anonimising the wrong (production)...