@chesty Awesome, once I'm done with initdb I'll make the change and see if it works and I'll report back. Thanks again
Awesome, thank you. I'm kind of surprised it's still churning. It's been almost 3 days and initdb isn't done yet. I tuned postgres with pgtune and it is using 252.9GiB...
> hmmm. maybe IO related? you could use vmstat or iostat. I guess pgtune asked you if you had ssd's? because that influences how postgres should be configured. > >...
> also google tune postgres large import. you probably want to delete all the indexes for the import and then add them after it finished. there might be other things...
> checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 > > this is part of the checkpoint thing I was trying to remember, there are other checkpoint settings, I think time and size. from memory...
@uwesimon Question for you. I know this is an old thread but I am now using the planet osm.pbf and it is importing just fine. However, I am unsure of...