Tony Dehnke

Results 8 comments of Tony Dehnke

Seeing similar issues on memory footprint with gem version 5.28, Rails 5.2.3 at around 20% of total memory: twilio-ruby: 19.25 MiB. My second largest after Rails-all from what I can...

Same issue here for me running Safari Version 12.0.3 (14606.4.5)

I don't honestly recall at this point. I think we ended up going another route. If I find some notes about it I'll come back and update this.

Bump - what is the status of this @badboy? Should this be closes or is this still an issue?

Same issue here, and if you click on the icon/graphic, it no longer load the page that shows you the previous scores.

Were you able to find a fix for this?

How could we use this to add other spinners from Sam's - ie the Audio Spinner (top left example)? (Newbie here)

How can we access/see what is in those urls @webtrainingwheels - as they require a login?