change the line in (home directory) to something like."",port=8080)
Here is the command you suggested. pip3 install -i pkuseg-py39 . But I cannot find the file. Thanks. Tony
HI, Frank, It works. thanks a lot.
I installed 0.4.0 version with a success on my Mac Os in the docker container. how ever the 404 error happened when running the sample code in the github. (
@GibbsConsulting I've updated to v.0.4.2 . the same error message is displayed. ("404 not found...") 1. the result of !jupyter serverextension list [output] config dir: /usr/local/etc/jupyter jupyter_plotly_dash.serverext enabled Validating... jupyter_plotly_dash.serverext...
@johnwallaceEmr thanks for your feedback. however. 1. the docker is on Mac OS system 2. I did not use WSL. I only web browser to connect the docker/jupyter through windows...
assume WSL = windows sub-system for linux