It would be really cool if grocy would take advantage of a web scraping tools so that if I like a recipe from a website I can just paste the...
It would be very useful if there was a way to be able to have nextcloud save locations on a pdf in order to pick up where the person last...
After installing the drivers and running the following two commands: sudo echo 1 >/sys/class/cxadc/cxadc0/device/parameters/vmux timeout 10s cat /dev/cxadc0 |pv > CX_Card_28msps_8-bit.u8 I get a file output, but I am not...
The display settings show that the monitor is set to 50 Hz refresh rate. I haven't found a way to chance this. I've tried remoting into the environment on windows...
Under English USA language when typing anything with "n't" such as doesn't, didn't, aren't... I get a spell checking red mark. The correction choice it gives me is does n,...