As a newbie to pyev-virtualenv I was also shut in the foot by `.python-version` (see this [github issue]( and this [stackoverflow question]( The word **version** in it made me think...
Hi, It would be also nice if the `df.drop('column2')` could accept an array of column names instead of a single column name. Can this be included in new release?
You can use `2to3` to convert the source file: 2to3 -w This will do the above for you. Then change manually these two lines: line 168 from http.client import...
I just installed `jupyter-plotly-dash` by running `sudo pip3 install jupyter-plotly-dash` and I had the same issue:  It turned out that `jupyter_server_proxy` was not installed...
I see. I was indeed using the system Python3. Now after system-uninstalling and reinstalling `jupyter-plotly-dash` in a new virtualenv I am getting this error when running`!jupyter serverextension list`: ```jupyter serverextension...