Samuel Tonini

Results 14 issues of Samuel Tonini

What you guys thinking about a little gathering, where we're hacking some cabbage and emacs lisp? /cc @senny @jone :beer: or :beers:

I always just had problems with flymake and most of the time just haven't it enabled. I think we should consider to switch to [Flycheck]( **Why?** Because it's just great....


Hi, `rinari` isn't actually working well with `rails 3/4` and one of the reasons might be that there're no updates for the last 5 years. the `rinari` fork is...

The list of the currently available emacs bundle in the readme file is a bit brittle. What if we create a file and list all bundles there?

documentation / website

@msaraiva it would be great if we could integrate the `code/parser` and the `code/metabuilder` (and the rest which is needed too) into the `alchemist-server`. Then I could start to refactor...

*\* Alchemist-Server API Refactoring - Cases - COMP (Completion) - DOCL (Documentation Lookup) - EVAL (Evaluate/Quote) - DEFL (Definition Lookup) - Alchemist-Server API - COMP - { "def" [ context:...

enhancement /cc @msaraiva :heart:


Release TODO list for v2.0.0 - [x] Phoenix directory support - [ ] Dialyzer support - [ ] Erlang help lookup - [ ] Jump to module attribute definitions /cc...
