
Results 6 issues of tonicsoft

I would like to be able to do the following: ``` auto o1 = rxcpp::observable::interval(std::chrono::milliseconds(2)); auto o2 = rxcpp::observable::interval(std::chrono::milliseconds(3)); auto o3 = rxcpp::observable::interval(std::chrono::milliseconds(5)); auto inputs = std::vector{o1, o2, o3}; auto...

When deploying a release version, the plugin should fail if the same release version already exists in that location. This is because, to my knowledge, there is no way to...

For any AbstractCharBasedFormatter, printToString can print directly to a String and not have to convert to bytes and back again. This avoids call to ByteArrayOutputStream.toString() at ProtobufFormatter:91 which uses JVM...

Implementation of JsonFormat.printToString() (which is in is to print to a byte array using the Charset specified by JsonFormat.setDefaultCharset(), but converts the byte array back to a string using...

Suppose an HTTP client submits a request to the server with header "Accept: */*" or even no accept header at all. Clearly, a json response is acceptable here. In both...


### What version of gRPC and what language are you using? 1.15, C++ ### What operating system (Linux, Windows, …) and version? Ubuntu 18.04 ### What runtime / compiler are...

disposition/never stale