Toni Solarin-Sodara

Results 57 comments of Toni Solarin-Sodara

@Bartmax, thanks for this. I'll take a look

@CrazyOrange, taking slightly longer than expected but I'm very much on top of it. Currently focused on improving method rewriting so we don't keep running into invalid program exceptions. I've...

@astallor Still working on a rewrite. Covid's kinda been getting in the way

It's official. I need help.

I've been working on improving the code rewriting logic but the truth is, code patching is not a very sustainable way of achieving what this project aims to do. I...

PoseContext doesn't support specifying async delegates directly. The best thing to do will be to create a separate async method and pass that to PoseContext. E.g. ```csharp public async void...

Thanks for the contrib @manne. Will take a look later today

I haven't forgotten this. Just holding of on merging it until I get a chance to test it out. Currently preoccupied with some bug fixes

Hi @manne, my sincere apologies for letting this slide for too long. I've been a bit swamped. I'm curious, in what instances will swapping out for a different constructor be...

Still working out the intricacies of the new implementation especially around performance. Expression trees allow for more features but are a bit harder to translate IL to