Tom van Nuenen
Tom van Nuenen
We should maybe rename this workshop to "Shell and Git" or better, "Command line and git", as Bash is being replaced by zsh.
At the end
Currently still fruits
Some of the participants asked if there could be more time spent on `groupby()`, as they need it for their research. I feel it's important to spend at least 20'...
We might want to add a little section at the start of the notebook to explain the difference between DataFrame and Series objects.
Using `.round()` in Manipulating Columns needs to be explained. If we don’t use it, we will not get to a full integer and then calling `int()` will truncate. Compare `((unemployment['year_month']...
The challenge 12 solution seems too complex. We can just do `.dropna` on our newly created `ps` column?
`unemployment_rate_missing = unemployment[unemployment['unemployment_rate'].isnull()]` -> no need for double subset
`unemployment_rate` is a bit of a weird name (as it’s not actual unemployment rates but a DF with null proportions for unemployment rates
Either combine workshops into one 3h workshop and drop customization in pt 2 or Keep part 2 as-is and rename workshop Python Data Visualization Fundamentals / Python Data Visualization Intermediate,...