Tom Söderlund

Results 14 comments of Tom Söderlund

Me too, can't get `'mod+plus'` or `'mod+shift+='` (as described in to work either.

Yeah I only have a laptop keyboard and it doesn't work there. Seems to be differences between numeric keyboard and regular - saw this in the Mousetrap discussions too.

@hising If you have the language (from the domain) AND the slug, doing that lookup should be fairly easy. I’m thinking e.g. article → (one to many) → article_language

## Update Seems that the v2 API endpoint is `` but now I get this error: { code: 'rest_no_route', message: 'No route was found matching the URL and request method.'...

Next.js works a bit differently. You don’t separate between server and client code – it runs on both. It has a special lifecycle method `getInitialProps` where you can set `this.props`...

I don’t even get `getInitialProps` to run when components are wrapped like in the `redux-api` examples. There is a `next-redux-wrapper` NPM that adds a `withRedux` wrapper. Here’s from [their example](

Progress update: class ShowLessonPage extends React.Component { static async getInitialProps ({store, isServer, pathname, query}) { console.log(`getInitialProps`, {store, isServer, pathname, query}); const { dispatch } = store; const lessonSlug = query.lessonSlug;...

Added a question to Stack Overflow:

@lexich I solved the absolute URL issue, Although your solution is prettier. Now, for 1 page reload it calls makeStore no less than 3 times, and only the first call...

A breakthrough: returning a promise from `getInitialProps` makes SSR work. Now client-side rendering is acting up, funny enough. static async getInitialProps ({store, isServer, pathname, query}) { const { dispatch }...