Tom Prats

Results 16 comments of Tom Prats

I made a ton of changes and can't remember exactly which one did it but here's a summary of what I did: - In the jest config in `moduleDirectories: [`...

I'm also running into this issue and the only "fix" I've been able to find for it is just disabling the translation with by adding this meta tag to the...

What did everyone here do? I'm stuck just using pg_ctlcluster for now but would like an option to do on startup

I ran into the same issue and never found a fix. My corporate security guy couldn't figure out how exactly they were blocking it, so he couldn't figure out how...

This error seems to be generated when `EasyTranslate.translate(to_values(list), opts)` returns `nil`, I think this happens for a variety of reasons. One thing I'm noticing is: - `EasyTranslate.translate(to_values(list), opts)` => returns...

I'm also running into this issue. Anything I can do to help move this along? @pointlessone anything you see?

Here's a test based on @mojavelinux's example in the issue And here's a branch with @mojavelinux's fix that allows the test to pass (but I didn't cherrypick it so...

Looks like this isn't maintained, so closing and using something else

Would love to have this. I looked into major changes since it's release and besides the hashrocket one, I don't think anything changed to break this. @ixti would you mind...