Tom Pollard

Results 96 comments of Tom Pollard

@MRJasonP At the moment, the fastest approach is to download from the Google Cloud bucket. You can find instructions in the Files section of the project on PhysioNet:

> I am not very familiar with GCP and I get BadRequestException: 400 error when I use gsutil command at that time. Unfortunately we have recently had to switch downloads...

Thanks for raising this issue, which sounds like it needs some exploration. As a reminder, the Data Use Agreement that you have signed states that the data must not be...

@fireindark707 if possible, please could you post the query/code that you are using to cross-check the discharge summary medications with the prescriptions table?

> The query returns no results. Likely this problem is already solved. @SichengH take a look at the discharge summary for `hadm_id = 120167` and you'll see that this is...

Someone in the lab may take a look at fixing the the Docker image at some point, but we have limited resources and this is not one of our priorities....

Thanks everyone, we recognize that the issue exists and we would be happy to review a pull request with a fix. No need for +1s at this point.

Hi all, @a-chahin is a clinician and informatician who has been working with us on mapping MIMIC to common terminologies (partly for an OMOP project with OHDSI: He also...

To move things along, we could begin with a pull request from @a-chahin, and then merge in @Mauvila's work later? A simple CSV with two columns (`item_id, loinc`) in a...

@johntiger1 Notes will be released on PhysioNet as a separate project/module at a later date.