Tommy Lees
Tommy Lees
``` (crp) chri4118@linux8:/soge-home/projects/crop_yield/ml_drought/scripts$ python The SRTM exporter requires GDAL and the elevation python package. The mac conda environment contains them.In addition, a (finnicky) ubuntu environment contains them in environment.ubuntu.cpu.gdal.yml...
Linking to the [Error message defined on the `xesmf` Github page]( ```python [[email protected]] match_arg (utils/args/args.c:159): unrecognized argument pmi_args [[email protected]] HYDU_parse_array (utils/args/args.c:174): argument matching returned error [[email protected]] parse_args (ui/mpich/utils.c:1596): error parsing...
```python /ouce-home/staff/smit0136/.conda/envs/ed_37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice return np.nanmean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype) HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.4) thread 139654709049088: #000: H5F.c line 509 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file major:...
In the final month and for the final feature (VHI) the values are ALL `nan` (in the `DataLoader` these are coded up as `-inf`). This is because the feature (VHI)...
the era5POS data when converted to monthly doesn't necessarily make sense to just upsample from `hourly` to `monthly` ```python @staticmethod def resample_time(ds: xr.Dataset, resample_length: str = 'M', upsampling: bool =...
``` (crop) ➜ ml_drought git:(exporters/seas5) pytest ================================================================ test session starts ================================================================= platform darwin -- Python 3.7.0, pytest-4.5.0, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.11.0 rootdir: /Users/tommylees/github/ml_drought, inifile: pytest.ini plugins: flake8-1.0.4 collected 83 items s...
The error message suggests using the `decode_times=False` option. But this outputs just an array of integers. ``` In [17]: d = xr.open_dataset(chirps_dir, decode_times=False) In [18]: d Out[18]: Dimensions: (lat: 45,...
1. Run pytest and mypy locally before committing to github. 2. Each function should have a descriptive name and perform one task. An exception is potentially `pipeline` type functions that...
- Do they generalise? Train vs. test split? - Do we learn the feature importances? SHAP - Dropout (turning off neurons)