Tom Lau
Tom Lau
I had a look at my team's deploy log and everything seems fine. Have you tried pushing `deployment/build_cache` to refresh the cache image again? @matti --- I encountered this about...
> skynet 并没有 1.3.0rc 这个 tag ,不知道准确版本是什么? 確實沒有這個 tag,估計是我看錯 commit msg 成 release tag 了。。。 準確 commit hash 是 `a6293f27cd08cbe33b5dc99b561e54659d544d54` 是 2019 年 11月中左右 換句話應該後提到的 `增加了一个 pause 的特性` 無關 🤔...
> 你可以去掉 build-in https 我前文表述有誤。。。 `轉用 built in https 後出問題` 並非指 compile skynet 加上 `TLS_MODULE=ltls` 就會造成問題 我們目前 GKE 和 ACK 上的 skynet 都是 compile 帶有 `TLS_MODULE=ltls` flag 的 經測試後,發現造成 ACK...
啊~ 另外有一個觀察 不確定會否有關 我們的業務會用到 `zendesk` 來處理客服相關 server 會調用到 [zendesk 相關 api]( 而 ACK 上由於有 GFW 的關係 zendesk api 調用偶爾會抽風 短則 會執行 `interface.init()` (也就會轉到 c層 `lts.c` 的 `_ltls_context_handshake()` 之類) 請教一下 若按上邊...
Hi, could @alerque take a look at this when you get a chance?
> 1. If the answer to some question is just being recalculated from the same inputs over and over, it might work to just add memoization to the function. It...
I've just tested the above changes on latest version of luacheck locally and confirmed that it now has the same performance as `v0.25`. I'll soon open a PR on it....
As far as I know `---@module` is used to annotate the variable that follows, such that the variable is the same as the return value of requiring the package specified...
(估計 #2501 是 duplicate) 我在搜 `overload` 相關 issue 時找到這個 `@overload fun()` 目前仍是不支援 generic 的,#2484 增加的 capture 寫法是針對 `@param` 目前我試出 workaround 是額外寫1段 **不會執行的 if 代碼**,單純用來 **騙** luals 🤔 ```lua ---@class frame...
If I understand the recent change correctly, it's for **child class overriding parent class's method**. In the code you provided, the `list` is `table`, which means `list.skill1` is still `skill`...