Tamás Szili

Results 4 comments of Tamás Szili

@omieomye In our case the low latancy is not critical because this script only does some aws automations, based on resource creation/deletion events. The low cost is more important than...

I have the same problem but with k8s namespace. @mskhan-devops how did you solve your problem?

hello @mskhan-devops here is my non working manifest ``` --- # create cwagent service account and role binding apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: aws-otel-sa namespace: kube-system --- kind: ClusterRole...

Here is our taskdefinition, we copied the wanted sections from the [ecs-ecs-sidecar.json](https://github.com/aws-observability/aws-otel-collector/blob/main/examples/ecs/aws-cloudwatch/ecs-ec2-sidecar.json). ``` { "ipcMode": null, "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam:::role/AWSOTelExecutionRole", "containerDefinitions": [ { "dnsSearchDomains": null, "environmentFiles": null, "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "secretOptions":...