Tom Higgins

Results 10 comments of Tom Higgins

Have the user set it in the config, and each script, notable the m3u playlists and the VLC launcher, read it live. From Bish-Bash-Bosh ` ip="$(ip addr | grep 'state...

In the PI section these files need to be changed.. - AnyfestoPI-index.html - dhcpdpi.conf - dnsmasqpi.conf - interfacespi - ircd.motd - ircdpi.conf - kiwiconfig.js - - stream.m3u - While...

Add to install script in the configs section For Anyfesto ip=IpYouWantAnyfestoInstallToHave grep -RiIl '' | xargs sed -i 's/search/$ip/g' or for Localfesto ip="$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 |...

I will try to get to it soon. Life has been keeping off the dev and debug, but I will try to get this on the ToDo stack Thanks for...

This is amazing. I will try to work up a way to have the users select from from premade front ends or customize what is available. Great work.

Sorry for the delay. Let me see if I can recreate the issues. I did an install a week back and everything was aok. Will post when I get a...

Possible fixes { sudo update-rc.d hostapd defaults sudo update-rc.d hostapd enable }

do a sudo systemctl unmask hostapd before sudo update-rc.d hostapd enable

Testing ..... sudo systemctl enable ircd-hybrid.service sudo systemctl enable mumble-server.service sudo systemctl unmask hostapd sudo systemctl enable hostapd.service sudo systemctl enable isc-dhcp-server.service

Sorry for the long gaps in movement on this project. Yes Flask sounds like a great fit. I will get up to speed on it and we can work out...