Tomer Shay

Results 6 comments of Tomer Shay

@toooni, thanks for reaching out. I didn't update here as I didn't know if this repo is still active or not. Actually, I found a partial solution. It seems that...

It seems that `mysql.sql` doesn't define `AccountId` as part of the `Users` table. Modifying the table's structure to the following one resolved the problem. ``` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS...

Did anyone solve this by any chance? Didn't get a chance to deep dive into this issue, as disabling the position calculator was a good enough workaround for me (as...

I got a very similar error - did you follow up on this? Did you find a solution? Thank you!

+1 @JanThiel, did you come up with any solution for this request? Definitely an interesting use case I'd like to explore.