Tomer Ben Ezra
Tomer Ben Ezra
Hey, Couldn't quite understand how to use the "small" option from the css. Thanks!
What is your recommended settings to maximize performance in the following case: 1. Small HTMLs usually resulting jpeg images of 10K-50K in size 2. HTML content is 100% trusted 3....
I'm trying to have text formatting with no success and i know that there is an inline bot called @bold which allows you to transform and text to italic, bold...
Hey, I'm using node-geocoder + Google Maps API. I would like to ask if there is a way to disable Places search? Meaning that only written addresses / Postcodes will...
Hey, i hope you can help me. When installing metisMenu through bower i get the following error: Exit code of '/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/bower install metisMenu --save' is 1. Stdout: bower metisMenu#\*...
Hi Abbr, i have the following code which run with Node.js (v4.2.2)+ Express.js(v~4.13.1). ``` var request = require('request'); var deasync = require('deasync'); request = request.defaults({jar: true}); function doSomething() { var...
When using webShot on the following HTML: (The html is given to webShot as a String and not as a URL) ``` @font-face { font-family: OpenSansHebrewBold; src: url('fonts/OpenSansHebrew-Bold.ttf'); } @font-face...
Hey @brenden, Great Module! ! ! I was wondering if there is a way to use fonts on my node server (lets say under /fonts/myFont.ttf) together with an HTML String...
Is there a way to use tesseract to find the numbers in an Image and get the x,y of the numbers in the image? I have numbers which acts as...
For example: `xss("This is a > test")` will result: `this is a > test` I wonder if there is a way to sanitise only Tags?