
Results 85 comments of Tomer

Great work, integration should be much simpler now.

Okay, the [Message Formats wiki page]( is more organized now.

@TriSerpent Still having this error?

@bluemods If you know exactly how to get it right you are more than welcome to submit a PR.

@bluemods The `signed, lang, sid, ts, v, cv, conn, dev, n` generation code is already here at [EstablishAuthenticatedSessionRequest](, right? So all you're saying is we need to replace `anon=""` with...

OK, sounds sensible. Why is the sorting incorrect? Isn't the code at [sort_kik_map]( correct? Also why leaving the currect state would prevent sending camera images? The authentication stanza is working...

I agree we can't send camera images, the question is why would changing the anonymous stanza fix it (did you try it?).

Also the sorting of the map is fine, right?