
Results 85 comments of Tomer

@natario1 Have an idea of what's the root cause/what flows lead to the `onConfigureFailed` error? Or how to deterministically reproduce this?

Do you have a javascript exception to show? How to reproduce this?

But it says that `WhisperMessage` is not defined. It's like it didn't inject this line: What do you see on your end?

Can you figure out why it's not injected in your case? Also how is the line `var plaintext = await libsignal.crypto.decrypt(keys[0], toArrayBuffer(message.ciphertext), keys[2].slice(0, 16));` relevant? I don't see it in...

Do you have a screenshot of the exception with the `var plaintext = await libsignal.crypto.decrypt(keys[0], toArrayBuffer(message.ciphertext), keys[2].slice(0, 16));` line?

OK, but what is the exception message (`exception.message`)?

Unfortunately a `DOMException` probably means that it's trying to decrypt the incoming message with a bad key or IV. But I just tried to send a message and receive it...

Does this happen only with voice message? How about groups? Can you make some tests? Anything that can help me understand the scenario is going to help.

My trouble is that, the decryption works for me: ![image]( There are no `Passing through` errors. I'm sure there is a way to reproduce the bug, just not sure about...

It seems like I that I encountered a similar problem in `signalGetMessageKey`/`signalDecryptPrekeyWhisperMessage`, looking into this.