Tomer Salakoff

Results 13 issues of Tomer Salakoff

Hi... got the error below when attempting to update the module functions during my appveyor build. ` At C:\projects\mp-infra\psake.ps1:49 char:5 + Set-ModuleFunctions -Name $Manifest -Debug + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [] Exception: Exception...

Hi Gael, I have found your articles about this approach and this repositroy to very much link up with the biggest issue I have with DSC. So thanks!!! I am...

## 1. General summary of the issue In the documentation regarding support for mocking of public functions from modules there is a link described as follows: > Note that module...


Hi, Firstly... awesome work!!! Very informative, and VERY useful!!! I did have a question regarding the credential credentials configuration seen in the various yaml configurations throught the built result. They...

So I am wondering if this has ever come up already in the past... I am of course using this to trigger my build jobs in Jenkins, but the action...

I want to trigger a single job to build various branches of a project... This can be handled by a simple parameter injected during the Jenkins job trigger. However your...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I am getting spammed by emails now on every merge of updated changelog PR. This will cause an issue in...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I was looking for a way to fully automate this process... but it seems that now I have to deal...


## Describe the bug The output of the step cannot be used as it misses compatible line breaks ## Your Environment **Contents of Your Changelog-CI Workflow File (.yaml File):** ```yaml...

Hi, I have been attempting to use your very nice looking tool. Unfortunately I continiualy get different exceptions basedon OS Windows: ``` PS C:\Git\OM2\om2-github-actions> Find-GitRepository format-default: Exception has been thrown...